Stories stroll
Group walk with an Instagram-story.
to feeling environment in a new way, to found non-typical cooperation. processualism of wandering and immersion Each safe-zone of a person constitute a part of group experience. Rethinking/recording/searching sound/movements, performative practices interaction with subject/ place phenomena of subjective interest average duration 4-5 hours

«Stories walk» is a 4-hour immersion in the process of wandering, exploring, finding a new understanding of space and its movement and sound. This is a lasting moment, in the process of obtaining and living an experience. A group journey within an urban environment, which changes focus of perception. The movement is the nature of research. Each «Stories walk» does not have precisely defined route and schedule. All inertia appears in the process it is improvisational. During the process is possible to connect and disconnect from the general flow. The whole walk is accompanied by a meditative action - video recording and share Instagram stories. The action being in the digital space on Instagram accounts of participants, and at the same time, offline during in the group walk. The process takes the form of a "24-hour subjective documentary". Documentation tends to represent the view of one, and the "storywalk" presenting the nonlinear narrative view of the several persons. This is a group action through the subjective gaze of the participants. For members, the desire to document and searching things of personal interest, rather the viewing generally accepted sights and tourist places, can be possiblety to leave their usual position and to open up new experience and rethinking a familiar (unfamiliar) space.Also is research the moment of adapting nature in presence of the city and to changing its appearance. This is a way out of the familiar system of interaction with our environment. The attempt to establish personal connections with environment and Start to subjectively read and perceive the information which surrounds us. At the same time, the presence of digital communication makes possible to simultaneously be together and individually. It is a way to identify their position, keeping the personal sight of each participant. the processuality and the desire to redefine our own positions, find a new type of communication and change relationships to the place where we are. The customary Interaction with the urban environment is a set of the use of amenities, we perceive this from a position of givenness and primacy. It is available to us by default. The invisible and delicate processes of environment elude by us, lost in routine. Those actions are leading us to a biased and insensitive attitude towards habitat. The specific experience of passing through space can create personal connections with the world around. We can make our view of the world cleaner, to opening up to the interaction with the environment throuth the search for motion and sound. Our personal attitude to environment can change by the documentation and observation. those practice can displace us from the position of the main, and, as a result, will creat a position of respectful partnership.