Magic is a part of nature. It stores its own symbols, language, and rituals.
I use soil, clay, water, and fire as the elements, inherent in the magic. I spell my symbols, it enchants space.
The symbols fashioned clay on the wall - is part of the ritual, which exists within this work.
All space was filled with fragrant smoke.
In the history, the culture of people recorded through ornaments and reliefs
in architecture and interior.
I used ornaments recorded a legend in and rotten part of the water heating coil. This is a process who nature intrudes in the everyday environment mode of life Water if it hard, can break (enslave) objects, like something magical, uncontrolled and natural (in consequence of this had to come up legends
and myths).
The water heating coil is evidence of invasion natural, uncontrolled and unaided in offend.